Get to production faster with engineering design verification.
Step 0: Your motivations.
Companies we work with are designing new products or re-engineering existing ones for a number of reasons:
Market pull - you can better service your customers pains.
Competition - you need to keep one step ahead of a competing product.
Policy - a new design standard or industry requirement has enforced changes.
Step 1: Formalising goals that you can report to internally.
We quantify success together. This could be a sustaining a 15 tonne load, a 30% material saving, or meeting an Australian Standard, like AS 4100:2020.
Deliverable time-frame: 1-2 weeks
Step 2: Mathematical calculations of your design gives a pass/fail.
Engineers use math and science to solve problems. These calculations are fast and will be the most conservative.
Deliverable time-frame: 1-4 weeks
Step 3: Computer aided engineering is the verification workhorse.
Your design is crash-tested in finite element analysis software. Detailed information on loads, stresses, and strains can be found. This reduces trial and error.
Deliverable time-frame: 1-3 months
Step 4: More complex analyses, computer aided manufacturing, and design for manufacture.
I can convert your design into components ready for manufacture. I can find production workshops and obtain quotes from suppliers.
Deliverable time-frame: 3-6 months